Important Information

Schedule of Fees

The current schedule of fees is effective as of 2/1/2025. 

Deposit Account Fees
Courtesy Payment
ATM, Point of Sale, Checks, Electronic Transfers
$30.00 per item
Insufficient Funds/Returned Items
ATM, Point of Sale, Checks, Electronic Transfers
$30.00 per item
Dormant Account Inactivity Fee
No activity for1 year on Deposit Accounts
$5.00 per month
Escheatment Processing Fee
No activity for 3 years
Electronic Transfer Accounts (ETA) $3.00 per month
IRA Plan Maintenance Fee $15.00 per year
Term Share Certificates
Early Withdrawal Penalty
3-11 Month Certificate 3 months dividends
12-23 Month Certificates 9 months dividends
24-35 Month Certificates 12 months dividends
36-60 Month Certificates 18 months dividends
Checking Accounts
Check Printing Varies with item
Copy of Share Draft $2.00 per item
Substitute Check $5.00 per item
Temporary Checks $2.00 per sheet of 8
Stop Payment (Check, Draft or ACH) $25.00 per item
Returned Deposit Item $20.00 per item
Foreign Currency Conversion 1%
Transactions at TFed ATM  Non-TFed Debit/ATM Card $3.50
Debit Card Replacement $15.00
Lending Fees
Consumer Loan Deferral Fee $35.00
Mortgage Application Fee $250.00
Appraisal Fee (Single Family) $525.00
Appraisal Fee (Multi-Family) $700.00
Flood Determination $12.00
Appraisal Audit $40.00
Subordination Agreement $100.00
Duplicate Year End Tax Figures $15.00
Verification of Mortgage $10.00
Verification of Deposit $10.00
Verification of Employment $79.00
Member Services
Account Research $25.00 per hour
Money Order $2.00 per item
Stop Payment on Money Order $25.00 per item
Official Credit Union Check   $2.00 per item
Stop Payment on Official Credit Union Check $25.00 per item
Notary Fee (Non-Members) $2.00 per item
Returned Mail Fee $5.00 per item
Account Activity Printout $3.00
Levy Attachment $50.00
Garnishments $50.00
Statement Copy $5.00
Night Deposit Lost Key $10.00
Online Loan Payment via ProPay (Consumer Debit Card) $4.95
Online Loan Payment via ProPay (Commercial Debit Card) 2.95% of Payment Amount
Safe Deposit Box (Limited)
3x5 Safe Deposit Box $40.00
3x10 Safe Deposit Box $60.00
5x10 Safe Deposit Box $90.00
10x10 Safe Deposit Box $125.00
Safe Deposit Box Lost Key Fee $25.00
Safe Deposit Box Drilling Fee Varies
Wire Transfers
Wire Transfer (Incoming Domestic & International) $15.00 per item
Wire Transfer (Outgoing Domestic) $35.00 per item
Wire Transfer (Outgoing International) $40.00 per item

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Give us a call (508) 824-6466