What to do if your business is victimized
In the event of a Corporate Account Takeover, take the following steps:
- Immediately shut down computer systems that may be compromised and disconnect those systems from Internet access.
- If you suspect your business account has been a victim of a Corporate Account Takeover, please contact TFed at 508-824-6466 and immediately take the following actions:
- Disable online access to accounts.
- Change online banking passwords.
- Request that the credit Union’s security and auditing departments review all recent transactions and electronic authorizations involving the account(s) in question.
- Ensure that no one has requested an address change, or re-ordered checks and/or debit cards to be sent to a different address.
- Maintain a written chronology of what happened, what was lost, and the steps taken to report the incident to the credit union and any other parties, such as authorities and firms that could be impacted. Record the date, time, telephone number, person spoken to, and any other relevant information.
- File a report with the police and any other relevant investigative agency regarding the intrusion. Having a police report on file will help when dealing with the credit union, insurance companies, and any other parties who have been notified of the fraudulent activity.